A Short List of Helpful Semi-Annual Household Chores

A Short List of Helpful Semi-Annual Household Chores

The fall and spring seasons always prompt us to change the time on our clocks.  We have no choice but to do so in order to keep order in our lives.  So why don’t we push ourselves to do a few other household tasks as diligently as we change the clocks?  The list isn’t so long and you’ll be grateful you spent the time doing these!

  • replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

  • wash your bed pillows (but if you’ve had them for a few years, it might be a good idea to just replace them!)

  • while you’re at it, throw that comforter in the wash too!

  • schedule your HVAC for maintenance for the upcoming season (proper maintenance can help prevent major system failures down the road!)

  • change the return filters for your HVAC system.

  • drain your hot water heater.

  • clean out that refrigerator of any items that may be outdated and save yourself from a big “yuck!” down the road!

  • then take a moment to vacuum the refrigerator coils.

I hope you have found this little list of semi-annual chores to be of value and helpful.  If you can think of anything that I missed, please let me know and I’ll add it to my own to-do list!


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